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South Summit 2018: an innovative experience

South Summit 2018This year, Go Global attended the South Summit 2018 in Madrid, Spain. The South Summit is the Innovation Leader Global Platform that aims to connect innovative startups from Europe and Latin America with investors and companies from all over the world. At this event, thousands of startups submit their innovative ideas in a competition, looking for investors willing to boost their projects. The event gathered more than 16,000 attendees, more than 3,500 startups and more than 650 investors.

The experience has been very enriching since, in addition to the startup competition, there were scores of conferences and speeches during the three days of the event, led by worldwide experts and CEOs of international companies, such as the NASA, Microsoft, Google, Telefónica, Amazon, WeTransfer, BBVA, Iberia and many more.

The multicultural environment gave rise to many interesting exchanges and conversations. We met companies from different European countries, such as Italy, Portugal or France, and companies from the USA and Latin America.

LA NAVE, the place where each year this event takes place, is an industrial plant of 13,000 square meters that is duly conditioned and modernized to welcome thousands of visitors. The core area was full of stands of startups and companies who provided information about their services and proposals. In the side areas, we found the conference rooms and a big auditorium.

South Summit 2018

South Summit 2018The outdoors were equipped with tents, tables and chairs where the visitors could take lunch or have a break. The sunny weather was perfect to enjoy this open-air space.

There were many spaces reserved for networking, where the attendees could take a seat to drink some coffee and talk to other companies and visitors. In addition, we had a private room for Business visitors where we could enjoy a brunch, snacks, drinks, wine or coffee at any time during the event.

South Summit 2018

The last day concluded with a speech of Pedro Sánchez, President of Spain, addressed to the entrepreneurs, the startups and all the attendees of South Summit. The President highlighted the importance of technological innovation in the country, and the courage of developing groundbreaking projects. He gave a message of support and admiration to those who are willing to be entrepreneurs, and a message of encouragement to those who have already failed, so they don’t give up.

South Summit has been a very positive experience. During this event, we discovered innovative and groundbreaking projects that will soon become a reality. Originality, uniqueness and technology have been the key factors of this event, which opened our minds and brought us new insights and ideas.

South Summit 2018 ¡Esperamos aprender más de nuevas startups y empresas innovadoras en South Summit 2019!

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