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Go Global Recognized Among Latin America’s Largest Language Service Providers

Market research firm Common Sense Advisory recognizes Go Global for third consecutive year as a leader in $46.52 billion global translation, localization, and interpreting services industry

Buenos Aires, December 12, 2018 – Go Global announced today its official ranking as one of the largest language service providers (LSPs) in the global translation and interpreting industry. Issued June 2018 by independent market research firm Common Sense Advisory (CSA Research), “The Language Services Market: 2018” ranked Go Global as a top-grossing LSP in the US$46.52 billion global market for outsourced language services and technology. Go Global was named as the 8th largest LSP in Latin America.


Go Global offers language and communication solutions to local and global companies. It combines technical expertise and linguistic competency to deliver technically challenging and culturally appropriate solutions. Its main services are translation, localization and testing, multimedia localization, subtitling, interpretation and language training.

As part of the primary quantitative study, CSA Research surveyed providers from around the world to collect actual reported revenue for 2016, 2017, and expected revenue for 2018. The firm details the findings in the 14th annual global industry report, “The Language Services Market: 2018,” the only comprehensive global survey of private and publicly-traded language services and technology companies. The firm found that the demand for language services and supporting technologies continues and is growing at an annual rate of 7.99%, representing an increase over last year’s rate of 6.97%.

Comments the Co-founder and CEO, Gabriela Roselló, “For third consecutive year, we are recognized for our hard work. We focus on improving every day and fulfilling our mission with passion. Go Global certified ISO 9001 as a proof of our commitment to have more satisfied clients. It’s amazing to see Go Global among the leading LSPs in Latin America.”

Sixty-four percent of surveyed language services providers (LSPs) said revenue was up over the previous year. Factors driving this demand include content digitization, personalized customer service, and business globalization. As organizations both large and small make their products and services available in more languages, the firm predicts that the language services industry will continue to grow and that the market will increase to US$56.18 billion by 2021.

“As businesses optimize their customer experience in home markets through digitization, companies are under pressure to globalize their entire operations. Our research has long and conclusively demonstrated that people are much more likely to purchase products in their own language. In addition, that same content and product localization reduces customer care costs and increases brand loyalty,” explains Dr. Donald A. DePalma, CSA Research’s founder and Chief Strategy Officer.

About Go Global

Go Global, founded in 2008, headquartered in Argentina and with offices in USA and Spain, provides linguistic solutions to local and global companies.
Its in-house linguists and network of professionals translate in dozens of language combinations including major European and Asian languages.
Its main services are translation, localization and testing, multimedia localization, subtitling and interpretation. www.goglobal-consulting.com / @goglobalsrl

About Common Sense Advisory

Common Sense Advisory (CSA Research) is a premier market research firm specializing in the technology and language services industry. The company offers essential data and information to assist companies in developing planning, brand strategy, innovation, competitive positioning, and a better understanding of global markets.


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Company Media Contact: info@www.goglobal-consulting.com

CSA Research Contact: media@commonsenseadvisory.com

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